Premierea Concursului CASA 2023
Am ajuns la finalul Concursului Anual al Studenților Arhitecți. Unde altundeva putea să aibă loc ediția din anul acesta decât la Timișoara, Capitală Europeană a Culturii 2023?
Ne bucurăm să susținem activitățile studențești și să punem umărul la formarea viitorilor arhitecți de succes. Anul acesta sărbătorim 5 ani de când suntem alături de Concursul CASA și suntem mândri să vedem cum evoluează de la an la an.
Concursul este unul internațional, având studenți participanți din Ungaria, Serbia și România, dar și un juriu ai căror membri provin din țări precum Bulgaria, Italia, UK, Serbia și Romania. Anul acesta s-au înscris la concurs 234 de studenți de la 7 centre universitare!
În continuare vom prezenta juriul și câștigătorii celor 3 categorii de concurs:
Sibiu, Facultatea de Conservare și Restaurare, Universitatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism ”Ion Mincu”
Jurații au apreciat:
”The project departs from very clear and strong gestures of integrating the proposal into the surrounding block, on one side being the direct continuation of the existing front that lowers on the north east side to the one storey high neighbouring building. This contextual relation and the weight placed on providing extensive spaces for artistics production through the double height gallery space and two level artist's studios is what has convinced the jury to award it a first prize. The choice of placing the bedrooms on the ground floor is certainly not optimal, but perhaps could be overcome by switching the function of the upper and lower levels of the individual units. The archetypal house form of the structure adapts to the differences on each side of the neighbouring street front through tiny adaptations, which give it a candid final look and demonstrate exactly what an architect’s job is even if he or she were maximally constrained to a very basic toolset. Perhaps it takes a bit of bravery to offer a design like this in a student’s competition, when it plays more into the taste of the general public, who would certainly find it beautiful, than to the sensibilities of the architecture academics who often have very different ideas about what architectural creativity should look like today.”
LOCUL 1 - Beatrice Adrienn BIRÓ
Timișoara, Facultatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism, Universitatea Politehnică
Jurații au apreciat:
”It is a sensitively developed project that yet stands out in the urban context as a sculptural and radically different volume, having an identity of its own, that convinced the jury to award it a first prize. The monolithic volume that slightly drips towards the lower neighbouring building is pierced by seemingly floating perforations that frame double height loggias creating a punctual yet strong relation with the surrounding context. The play with internal heights in the overall development of the project, rather than the emphasis placed on the separating wall, was seen as a clever strategy to create a variety of spatial conditions that enrich the project, sectionally communal spaces wrapping around those designated for private use. The lightness in the facade’s composition influences the spatial organisation within different programmes of the building also - rather than straightforward partitioning, the shared studio space for the artists is articulated through freestanding walls that create subdivisions while not forming barriers, or the private apartments being developed through floating infrastructural blocks around which spaces for living are scattered, proposing a design where the aesthetic sensibility is carried through comprehensively in all aspects of the building.”
Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism, Universitatea Tehnică
Jurații au apreciat:
”The insertion of a big visible figure within a ghost-like abstract volume, a cone of light for the display of a single work of art, is a very clear formal departure point that made this project stand out. The typological correspondence for this gesture derived from corner palaces within Timisoara was also an appreciated aspect. The jury valued not only this radical gallery space, but also that the cone of light became the central element in all aspects of the project - sitting within an open plan room allocated for artistic production or on the upper floors it is the volume around which communal spaces are organised. The abstractness of materiality, of facade development and straightforward organisation and distribution of the living spaces support this idea well.”
MENȚIUNE - Alexandra Elena LETERNA
Timișoara, Facultatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism, Universitatea Politehnică
Jurații au apreciat:
”It is a beautifully presented project that in the jury’s opinion has its strength in the development of its massing and urban relation. Rather than proposing a monolithic block, the proposal is fragmented into splintering volumes conceptually derived from sculptural gestures that successfully negotiate the relation to the surrounding buildings while providing extensive outdoor areas for communal use linked with shared living rooms. This is complemented by the interior garden that spills out through a sense of wild vegetation into the urban fabric, punctually creating correspondences to the buildings through platforms or urban furniture, was seen as a great overall site strategy. ”
Timișoara, Facultatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism, Universitatea Politehnică
Jurații au apreciat:
”The jury appreciated the strategy for developing the massing of the proposal - instead of creating a monolithic block, the volume is broken into smaller units that dissolve the scale of the building while opening up informal outdoor spaces that connect views towards the water canal or tower. The urban scale approach, placing emphasis on creating public spaces through vegetation and gardens was also seen as an added value to the project. The resulting overall structure based on the careful negotiation between urban scale, open spaces, and repetitive group form with broken-down masses would certainly generate the sense of urbanity for the location and the city’s riversides.”
Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism, Universitatea Tehnică
Jurații au apreciat:
”The proposed concept of separating spaces by distance rather than hard partitions is an interesting one, with the emphasis placed on creating encounters between different artists in residence. The role of the circulation space is seen as the key element envisioned as an open-ended framework where exchanges between two artists can be negotiated. The jury also appreciated the emphasis placed on a communal garden that occupies almost the entirety of the ground which presumably could attain a central role in the everyday life of the community , both for collective activities and artistic production. A different choice of visual representation, drawings, or renderings could’ve emphasised the quality of the concept even more, namely the actual look of the scaffolding-like structure that surrounds the courtyard. But the jury nevertheless recognized the implied qualities of such space.”
LOCUL 1 - Cornelia COBÎLAȘ
Timișoara, Facultatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism, Universitatea Politehnică
Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism, Universitatea Tehnică
Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism, Universitatea Tehnică
Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism, Universitatea Tehnică
LOCUL 1 - Ștefan Maxim Iulian GAVRILOAE
Oradea, Facultatea de Construcții, Cadastru și Arhitectură, Universitatea din Oradea
Timișoara, Facultatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism, Universitatea Politehnică
Timișoara, Facultatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism, Universitatea Politehnică
Timișoara, Facultatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism, Universitatea Politehnică
Le mulțumim organizatorilor CASA pentru o colaborare fructuoasă și asociațiilor studențești ASTA și Asociația de la 4.
Și nu în ultimul rând, felicitări studenților pentru munca depusă și creativitatea lor!